Finally sitting to write this blog...
The last few days have been pretty great. I just returned from visiting the refugee camp in Kibuye and am scrambling to get all my photos edited and organized before the team heads home. It definitely feels good to be busy but I also want to keep people at home updated so I am taking time to post and to upload some photos as well - I got some really good shots!
I went through many different thoughts and emotions while at the camp. It was like the camp was its own little world. There were houses all lined up with matching roofs with the UNCHR logo and people everywhere - getting wood, playing sports, getting food etc. I got to walk around with the president of the youth group and I felt like I was walking with the pope or something! Everyone knew him and greeted him as he showed me around the camp. I got to snap away with my camera and actually felt like a photographer who came in to a refugee camp to report or something - It was a very cool feeling!
At one point when I was walking around and seeing each different person, i felt God laying on my heart their stories. I didn't actually know what any of them went through - but earlier that morning I had prayed for God to give me his eyes and see the unseen. I felt like he was answering my prayer. I have really been more and more burdened for refugees since Uganda and am interested to see how I can get involved with refugees in my own community at home.
Other than that I have only one word.... kids! there were sooooooooooo many kids - it was so awesome! It was so nice to see all these kids and to see how happy they were to see you! At one point I felt like Maria from the sound of music.. sitting in my big skirt on the grass with all the kids huddled around me as I sang them songs - including my favorite one about Rwanda - Albertine.
After we spent the day at the camp we spent most of our time at the guest house and also went on a boat ride to this island where there were literally thousands of bats!! We hiked up this steep hill and when we got to the top all the bats started flying until the whole island was surrounded by them. Although we were sweaty, dirty, and had some battle wounds.. it was totally worth it and we had an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity.
Well, I must get back to my editing - thanks for reading! I will be sure to post some photos for you to see!
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