Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jean Paul Graduates!

Well day three and this cold is still sticking around… I have taken one full day of bed rest and then ventured out yesterday… although I enjoyed being out of the house by half way through the day I was ready to lay down again.

So here I am day 2 on bed rest – it’s so gorgeous out I just want to be outside! I had to switch my home visit to next week, which is a bummer, but the great thing is that I can still edit photos from my bed! Ha ha!

Well, I had a good time yesterday despite this nasty cold. A bunch of us went with Jean Paul to his graduation ceremony! Unfortunately the ceremony was canceled because apparently one of the students had passed away. So instead he just got his diploma and we were all happy just to be there for him and show some support. He is one of the only guys from the street to have graduated from high school – so it was a big deal!

Hopefully I can kick this cold and get back into my regular routine but I think for the next few days I will just be laying low so that I can be 100% for next week!

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